New Exhibit in Local History!

You may not have realized (I didn’t, and I work here), but the Local History & Genealogy Division has a rather extensive collection of postcards dating back to the early 1900s. When I discovered this trove I thought, “Wouldn’t these make for a great exhibit?” As it turns out, they do!

Featuring items from our collection, “Greetings from Rochester: Exploring the Past through Postcards” looks at the history of postcards and what they can tell us about the people who used them and how they saw the place and time in which they lived. Commonplace objects with historical significance, these artifacts not only reveal what Rochester once looked like, they also show us what the people who lived here once did.

Visit our exhibit and travel to the past through these enchanting images of landscapes, businesses, amusement parks, lakeside resorts, grand hotels, dance halls, movie houses, theaters, trolley lines, and other compelling scenes from a bygone era.

The exhibit will be up from now through May 2016 in the main hallway of the Local History & Genealogy Division, 2nd floor Rundel Building, 115 South Avenue. Come check it out!

~Michelle Finn, Deputy City Historian

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. The ones that are very interesting are the buildings that were never built, like the proposed city-county office complex straddling the Genesee River.

    • Indeed! I went back and looked for these after you mentioned them. Found a couple that show a proposed Civic Center tower that was to straddle what appears to be Exchange St. Didn’t come across any other “buildings that were never built,” though (at least not in the postcard collection). Anyway, here are the links to the ones I found, for those who are curious: and

      • There are several which show what seems to be classical sculpture and the like. Might be under streets if not architecture.

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